Man Helps Woman Escape Creepy Situation By Stepping In And Pretending To Know Her.

Most women have experienced the uncomfortable feeling of receiving unwanted attention. In some situations, ending the encounter is as simple as walking away. But in others, the harasser in question won’t leave them alone.

Meet Brandon, a popular TikToker who recently witnessed one of these situations himself while he was at a store. A young woman looked afraid, so after making eye contact with her a few times, he stepped in to help her make her escape.

Brandon approached the pair, cleverly pretending to know the woman and asking her to come with him to see his fictional aunt. Just like that, she felt safe again!

She knew I had been watching and listening to what the man was saying to her and realized I was trying to get her out of the situation,” Brandon said. “She went along with me ‘knowing’ her immediately.”

Watch as Brandon steps up to help her in the video below, and share this story to encourage others to do the same if they spot a similar situation. That said, please keep in mind that approaching a stranger (even with good intentions) might make them uncomfortable, so make sure they actually need help first.

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