When man hears crying coming from the woods and goes forward to it, he finds something he wasn’t ready to see…

The beauty of life is its unpredictability and its capacity to take unforeseen twists at any time. This story, which took place in Glen Burnie, Maryland, in July 2021, emphasizes the idea that our lives may change significantly in the blink of an eye.

Ted Rutherford went for a walk in the woods with his dog on an average day, expecting nothing out of the norm. He had no idea that this seemingly ordinary stroll would land him in a predicament he had never experienced before.

Ted was walking along a wooded bike route when he heard faint screams coming from the neighboring bushes. His first thought was that a wounded animal was in pain, but when he got closer, his heart skipped a beat. The cause of the sounds was not a wild animal but a newly abandoned human infant. The newborn girl had obviously recently been born.

Ted went on to describe the situation: «The placenta and all the fluids were in like a grocery bag, a little plastic bag, and it was tied up around the umbilical cord.» He had never anticipated finding himself in this circumstance. Ted, unsure of what to do, sought help from a local resident who happened to be outdoors caring for his plants.

Ted and his neighbor attempted to rescue the infant from the deep foliage, but they were thwarted by prickly thorns. They immediately dialed 911, which dispatched police from the Anne Arundel County Police Department to the location. The cops were able to recover the infant and transport her to a neighboring hospital for additional treatment.

Despite the traumatic circumstances of her first few hours on Earth, the infant was said to be in good condition. She had slight scars from the sticker bushes in which she had been abandoned, but she was generally unhurt and had the potential for a full recovery.

The baby’s mother was nowhere to be found at the time of the finding. She was recognized and located the next day, and she received medical treatment and crisis intervention assistance. The difficulties she must have faced in leaving her infant alone in the woods are unknown, but one can only hope that she obtained the help she needed to turn her life around.

This unexpected turn of events, although full of uncertainty and hardships, reminds us of life’s tenacity and potential for hope even in the most unexpected situations.

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