The young girl made her dream house and the final result will leave absolutely everyone speechless

With no money but having motivation, this former student created her dream house! 😍👏 She showed that where there is a will, there is a way! 😉👍

Today’s heroine is Paula who had long been staying in a mobile house as a student and had to endure a lot of difficulties, challenges and obstacles. After the graduation, she started thinking about her own house, but had very little money.

She had a 13-square-meter territory where she could create her own place. She thoroughly designed every detail and soon got started.

Paula designed everything according to the traditional Swedish style with some red accents. This looked both traditional and modern creating a special atmosphere.

She was against using artificial materials and didn’t consume any plastic. She mainly gave her preference to natural and bio materials which would cause no harm to the nature. Her father knows much about wood and helped her a lot.

The young girl focused on the aesthetics as well and wanted the house to look appealing and with a special atmosphere. The house became an inseparable part of the surrounded nature and caught all the passers-by’ attention.

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